
Farmington Green is a subdivision of 339 homes located in Farmington Hills, Michigan.  We enjoy a community within the City of Farmington Hills and all the benefits and services the city has to offer.  Our subdivision is a well established and diverse community with over 35 acres of parks and commons areas, walking paths, a playground and play scape, a soccer field, baseball diamond and three ponds along with the wildlife.
The Farmington Green Homeowners Association, through a contracted property management company, oversees the management of our subdivision and day-to-day operations.  The board consists of volunteer homeowners and meets monthly (except in December).  Any homeowner is welcome to attend our board meetings which are normally scheduled for the second Monday of each month.  Our meeting location is the Farmington Community Library located on Twelve Mile Rd.  Meetings are at 7:00pm in one of the second floor conference rooms.

Homeowner Membership

Homeowners must register in order to view content such as board minutes, budget documents and financial information.
  • Homeowners must be current on their HOA dues
  • Your home ownership will be verified
To register, click the REGISTER button in the upper right hand corner.

Recent News

Mulching Project
The board and some homeowner volunteers are working on a project to re-mulch the playgrounds and the circular islands in the sub. We will discuss the details at the April board meeting.  
If you still have questions, contact the board directly using the Contact Us page of this website.

Upcoming Events

2025 New Property Management Company - The Highlander Group, Inc.
Wednesday, December 11th to Wednesday, December 31st
Dear Residents,
The FGHA board is in the process of changing the property management company to The Highlander Group, Inc.
We ask for you to wait to pay your 2025 dues until you receive the Welcome Letter with information regarding dues and where/how to send them.
The board has approved the 2025 dues in the amount of $311.00.
Thank you for your patience.